LA Book Festival - Quipper Prints Booth
Trailer: Penelope and Her Guardian Turtle
Penelope and her Guardian Turtle embark on a magical journey——a
quest to meet new friends, find self acceptance, and true
Click to Start Trailer
Barnes & Noble Book Signing
Christmas Ad for Penelope by John Peters
A Perfect gift for the little
Halloween Ad for Penelope by John Peters
BOO! Happy Halloween
Penelope and Her Guardian Turtle with Author by John Peters
Penelope and Her Guardian Turt;e is the author's
Marty Clifton, debut book.
This book is a whimsical tale about a pelican named Penelope.
She faces harsh ridicule from her peers because she looks a little
different. After walking all alone, she meets Terrance, her
Annette's Book Nook Book Signing 12/4/24
International Impact Book Award 12/2024